Omron Electronic Pulse Massager HV-F128 – TENS Messenger
Omron Electronic Pulse Massager HV-F128 – TENS Messenger

Omron Electronic Pulse Massager HV-F128 – TENS Messenger

Price: 1,150 - 1,150
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01999013101

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সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Health Mate BD MIRPUR Dhaka Bangladesh 1 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

Omron Electronic Pulse Massager HV-F128 – TENS Messenger

Home Care: Pain Therapy

With 12 auto therapy modes and 5 special modes to choose from, it can adapt your pain treatment according to your preference and pain symptoms.

Compact in its design, the Omron HV-F127 is a simple to use TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) device. With one touch operation, a person can easily select one of the 12 automatic therapy modes. The development of Omron’s Long Life Pads means that no messy gels are required to attach the pads to the skin.

Product Features:

Engage TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) technology, drug-free treatment clinically proven to help to:
– Block the pain message
– Trigger the release of endorphins (=natural pain killers)
– Improve blood circulation (as result of repeated muscle contraction and muscle relaxation)

How does T.E.N.S relieve my pain?

TENS relieves pain in two ways:
Standard High-Frequency Treatment

  1. Pulse Rate is set to 60 pulses per second or more.
  2. Produces a steady “buzzing” or “tingling” feeling between the electrodes
  3. Produces an electrical signal that is stronger than the pain signal that the body produces.Because the signal is perceived as stronger, it effectively blocks the pain signal from travelling along nerves to the brain.
  4. Effective for acute pain

Low-Frequency Treatment

  1. Pulse Rate is below 10 pulses per second or at “burst” mode.
  2. Produces visible muscle twitching and “tapping” or “pulsating” feeling
  3. The body reacts to this type of stimulation by releasing “endorphins” (pain-killing chemicals produced naturally in the body)
  4. These endorphins act as a chemical nerve block, effectively reducing pain by interrupting the flow of pain signals along the nerves.
  5. Effective for chronic pain, stiffness and numbness
Advanced Pain Relief – 12 Different Programs
5 Special Modes
Washable & Durable Long-Life Pads, 

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